Army of Two Cosplay Masks Army of Two Cosplay Masks Personal Work – Handcrafted masks for a cosplay of Army of Two (EA) characters Tyson Rios and Elliot Salem. Completed Army of Two masks. Elliot Salem's (left) and Tyson Rios' (right) Create templates digitally and print them out. Glue them to non-corrugated cardboard. Cut them out, and tape the marked slits together. Paper mache the surface of the masks. Paper mache protruding skull parts of Rios' mask. Sculpt teeth and scratch marks using hot glue. Paint over everything. Paint job finished. Final touches made. Tyson Rios' mask completed. Layers of paint added to mask. Details such as scratches added. Digitally create flame design for mask and print it out. Glue flame design to mask. Elliot Salem's mask completed. Load More Loading More... You’ve reached the end of the list